Natural ways to get Vitamin C in india (Best Natural Antioxidant)


On average, we can find 53 mg of Vitamin C in 100 gm of lemon juice. We can also get our daily dose of vitamin C from the lemon by drinking lemon water two to three times a day. 

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Green Chilli

Green Chilli is called the food of the poor in India because many poor people survive on green chilli. On average 100 grams of green Chilli contains 144 mg of Vitamin C.

Kokum (Garcinia Indica)

Kokum is used in a similar way as tamarind is used in the rest of India. Kokum fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, therefore, we should consider adding it to our diet.

Amla ( Indian Gooseberry)

Amla is supposed to have 20 times more vitamin C than oranges. Therefore, we should add Amla in some form to our daily diet to get the required dose of vitamin C.

Hibiscus Flower

This flower is already used in many medicines. We can make tea from hibiscus flowers which are red in colour (if made from red flowers) and very rich in vitamin C. 

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